We cannot believe that it was a year ago today that Lenana was brutally murdered. During the time we spent caring for him, we grew to know him, to love him and to understand him. We, everyone in our team, really did consider him to be a close friend, someone we could not imagine our daily lives without. To some this may seem strange or dramatic…but we can never quite put into words how it was with Lenana. He was a profoundly unique soul. And just when he was on his long road to recovery, after the unspeakable cruelty he received at the hands of those who only desired his ivory, he was struck down, shot by evil, heartless monsters and forever taken from this world…his world.
Despite our best efforts to not get “too attached”, this was unavoidable. We had no idea we would have such a deep emotional bond with this elephant until just after we found him Lenana came up to the car, rested his trunk above the window, perfectly relaxed and looked at us with such sad eyes, only inches away, that told us how much pain he was feeling. He was communicating with us. He came to us knowing we were his friends. What completely yanked our hearts out of our chests was the small, barely noticeable but nonetheless visible, glimmer of happiness that was also there, quietly in his soft eyes. He was in agony and yet he could still feel happy. Happy to be alive. Happy just to feel the wind, the sun. Happy to be with his unlikely friend, the Landrover. Every time the engine started he would move closer, as if to say “don’t leave” and we would wait with him, some of the other rangers watching over him on foot, further away.
At the time we were relieved when we saw that he did not treat other vehicles like this.
For that three weeks we were with him, we were able to comfort him a little as he endured the worst pain imaginable. We are eternally grateful to have been there for him, to have shown him love. Though it was not any consolation when he lost his life far too soon.
We were with him nearly every minute. The Rangers really showed their dedication when they would not leave Lenana’s side, even in all weather. When Lenana was finally given the much awaited treatment and put all of his strength into getting back up after the bout of drugs he was given, we all breathed a heavy sigh of relief. It was one of those moments when time stood still. We were not sure if he could get back on his feet.
The night before his tragic death, Lenana attempted to return to the company of other elephants, he travelled during the night. He disappeared from our constant watch and during that vulnerable time whilst he was alone, the monsters craving his tusks found him and killed him instantly, without a second thought. We found him the next day, his once beautiful face a picture of horror.
During his recuperation, Lenana spent most of his time in an area not far from a human settlement and no doubt that whole time his presence had reached all and sadly, the wrong ears, through the unstoppable “bush telegraph”.
It was discovered later that as we watched Lenana, the poachers watched us, well hidden from a distance. Though the rangers kept a wide “perimeter” of eyes around Lenana, the poachers managed to evade detection. Lenana sought our help from the very beginning and we immediately responded with every means of aid we had available. The loss of Lenana deeply affected all of us, who had spent our every conscious moment trying desperately to help him. To relieve his pain and to protect him.
Today we wish to remember him fondly and try our best to honour Lenana’s memory in the gentlest, purest way possible…for that is how Lenana was.
If there were any way we could let Lenana know something, it would be this:
We are here. We are not giving up. We wish you were alive and free. We are trying to save your kind with our every breath and our every ounce of strength. We hope we will be here still, continuing on, every year that we remember you.
We truly hope you know we are thinking of you today and every day, Lenana. You are in our hearts always.
– Written by Ranger Siranka, Gini and Team
Wept & wept when I read this. You tried & Lenana knew it. Very very heart breaking. It’s bad enough for me (somebody whose never met him) goodness knows what agony you & all his family are going through. Be strong, he’s watching you all. RIP Lenana
I vividly remember this day last year and how profoundly it affected me – Lenana was clearly a special and gentle soul and I can’t imagine how hard this must have been for you all. Thank you rangers for all the work you do – you are appreciated! Rest in peace, dear Lenana.
I truly believe his spirit knows how you feel about him and his elephant family and his affection for you all remains as strong. At least he is now safe from terror and further physical pain. Thank you all for not giving up.
Can relate to your experience entirely! Thank You from the earth family around for the care shown towards our precious brethren when needed! We are here — for the cause! Blessings from the pristine side of wild Sri Lanka
So sad. My heart goes out to you all who have lost this precious friend. Thank you so much for the efforts you put in to letting these beings live as we ourselves would want to live, proud and free, without fear.